Clarion confirm investment in Slot Academy and Slot Summit brands

Clarion confirm investment in Slot Academy and Slot Summit brands

Clarion Events, whose Totally Gaming brands include ICE, ICE Conferences, GiGse and the new look EiG which opens in Berlin next month, has acquired a majority interest in the Slot Academy and Slot Summit events created and run by respected industry personality Lucien Wijsman. The agreement, which was ratified in London this week, will see Lucien Wijsman retain a significant shareholding in the 'Slot' brands as well as an executive position on the board.


Julian Graves, Managing Director, Clarion Events Gaming Division, said: "We are delighted to have agreed this deal with Lucien which will see him remain fully and intensively involved with the business, delivering training, developing content and nurturing a cohort of expert trainers. Lucien enjoys a well deserved reputation throughout international gaming for delivering best in breed training through his Slot Academies and a mix of training, practical demonstrations, expert insight and invaluable networking through his Summits. Both brands are international in their reach with recent training conducted in Canada, Suriname, Colombia, Romania and Italy with Summits taking place in the remainder of 2014 in Lille, France and Bogota, Colombia.


"From the outset of our discussions, which began a year ago and continued through ICE 2014, it was obvious there was a clear fit between Lucien's vision and Clarion’s event and research brands which when brought together would allow us both to offer a wider range of services, extend and deepen our global operations network, add value to our customers’ businesses and enable us both to enhance the relationships we have developed. Additionally and just as importantly, Lucien Wijsman brings to our gaming portfolio a deep understanding of the industry which will help the team deliver more effectively at all levels of the business."


Lucien Wijsman stated: "I have been a great admirer of what Clarion has brought to the industry both in terms of launching new brands, nurturing existing brands and in the case of ICE re-launching a brand and turning it into what it is today, the world's biggest and most favourite gaming event. Both the Slot Academy and the Slot Summit are very personal to me and I feel totally comfortable that we share the same vision and confident that our agreement will enable us to take the two brands to the next level.  As Julian said there is a natural fit, we both have a 'can do' philosophy and perhaps most importantly we share a commitment to and a passion for this industry.  I very much look forward to the next stage of the fantastic journey I embarked upon 10 years ago but now as part of what I consider to be the best team in gaming."