The Peru Gaming Show has made tremendous growth and improvement this year

The Peru Gaming Show has made tremendous growth and improvement this year

“We at AMG are very pleased with our results this year and the already tremendous reception we have received for next year’s show” - Joe Lopez, CEO of AMG, organizers of PERU GAMING SHOW, makes an assessment of PGS 2013.

On August 14th and 15th, we at AMG conducted the 11th Edition of The Peru Gaming Show at the Jockey Exhibition Center in Lima, Peru.  After a lot of hard work and even more worry, all of our efforts appear to have paid off.  Everyone who attended, from exhibitors, guests, out of town visitors and even employees who worked on booth set up and product delivery, were extremely impressed with the tremendous growth and improvement the show has made over the past three years.  As is our custom, we visited as many of the exhibitors as we could at the end of the show to express our gratitude and obtain feedback, and I can say that no one was disappointed. Everyone congratulated us and expressed their satisfaction with everything from the shows administration to attendance.

Attendance at the show for the two days was just over 3,000 people, representing an increase of more than 33% over last year.  The International Business Conferences on the morning of the 2 days were also completely sold out with standing room only with approximately 600 people in attendance over the 2 days of conferences.  Our now traditional Welcome Night party was also a tremendous success with over 350 people in attendance from 8:00 P.M. until 1:00 A.M. The night started off with a Cuban Jazz Band providing music to set the mood for the events to come.  That was followed by the much anticipated Miss Gaming Peru competition where several beautiful candidates competed to represent the Peruvian gaming industry.  After the Miss Gaming Peru crowning, a 15 piece orchestra began playing until 1:00 A.M. leaving no one without tapping their feet. Open bars and hors de oeuvres combined terrifically with the music to ensure no one left early.

However, aside from the fun we know that the real purpose of the show is for suppliers to be able to exhibit their products and conduct business. We ensured that a business environment was maintained throughout the entire show permitting exhibitors to conduct business in a professional manner.  And while we have no way of getting exact data, preliminary reports are that much new business was generated and many new contacts came as a result of the show.

Unfortunately, regardless of how much planning you do and how much you try to anticipate everything, there are always some things that just can’t be avoided.  Regarding the only two negative things that we heard, a few items such as two lap tops being stolen and the cold in the exhibit hall, we are already working to avoid or reduce these for next year. We met with the security company hired and have reviewed all procedures from set up days registration to show registration to exit procedures, in hall security, etc. and are already planning on implementing many changes to assist in reducing the loss of personal items.  Of course nothing will ever replace the attention and care each individual can take in securing their items.

To help solve the second issue, the show dates for PGS 2014 have been changed to June 11th and 12th after much debate and consideration from management. Three primary reasons were given for the change:
1. August is the coldest and most humid month in Peru
2. August is the primary vacation month in Europe and every year we have many conflicts with European exhibitors and their ability to attend
3. And probably the most important one and what clinched the decision to change was the changing of G2E to September making the time between that show considered the biggest in the industry and ours too short. Since the Mexico Gaming Show is not being offered any more an opening became available to move PGS to June when the weather is much more pleasant in Peru.

We at AMG are very pleased with our results this year and the already tremendous reception we have received for next year’s show.  Many of the exhibitors we spoke to at the show have already asked for and reserved their same space next year or expressed an interest in larger exhibit space and/or possibly better positioning.  We will be sending out next year’s floor plan within the next 30 days allowing our principle customers to secure their positions early.

Thanks to all of you who contributed to this shows success.  We certainly hope we have lived up to your expectations and one again commit ourselves to continuing to strive to make each year’s show even better than the one before.