SPIRIT GAMING now exclusive partner for TITO ticket specialist Moniko from Macedonia for a large number of European countries

SPIRIT GAMING from Germany has signed an agreement with Moniko from Macedonia to bring its high quality tickets to a number of European countries. To be precise the countries are: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland and The Netherlands. The contract was officially signed during the ICE exhibition in London in February by both company owners. 



Moniko is the only manufacturer of slot tickets in Europe. This gives European companies in particular the guarantee that delivery times are very short and saves on transport costs. Standard tickets are available from stock. Naturally tickets can be customized with up to 7 colours. Moniko uses security paper “Made in Germany” for its tickets. The tickets are shrink wrapped to ensure consistent quality during transport and are available in packs of 200, 400, 600 and 800. Moniko TITO tickets are approved paper by the strict IGT standards.



“We are very excited to be an exclusive partner for Moniko. We look for partners that innovate and wish to bring new solutions to the industry. Moniko fits the bill perfectly. The German paper quality is just one example of the difference Moniko makes to slot tickets. The environmental benefits, especially in times when climate change is being discussed all over the world, play an important role as Moniko is the only European manufacturer of TITO tickets”, commented Frank Ziegler, founder and CEO of SPIRIT GAMING.



“SPIRIT GAMING is making a name for itself in the European gaming market and not just in its home country of Germany. We need strong partners who know and understand the market and can anticipate and lead change. We wish the team at SPIRIT GAMING every success”, added Vladimir Kjurchiev, owner and CEO of Moniko.


Enquiries may be directed to Vitali Philippi whose contact details are: Email: vp@spirit-gaming.de ; Telephone  (mobile) +49 (0) 160 99645823.