Digital Signage expert G-Digital makes its mark at ICE

Digital Signage expert G-Digital makes its mark at ICE


Second ICE with a clear difference


This year’s ICE has marked a true difference for the team of G-Digital. With an improved position and larger stand, the feedback from this year’s ICE was very different to last year – when G-Digital exhibited for the first time.


“We were pleasantly surprised by the number of people who came to see us. Last year we were busy introducing ourselves, inviting people to our stand. The fact that many people made their way to our stand shows us that the name G-Digital has made its mark in the global gaming market. G-Digital is an effective marketing tool, enabling gaming operators to make much more of their digital signage”, explained Ljubo Benko, Managing Director of GD d.o.o., the company behind G-Digital.


The software from G-Digital brings digital signage to life. Operators are no longer limited to just showing game information for the table games. Part of the screen can be used for specifically chosen marketing and/or advertising campaigns. If used for advertising purposes, then this can become a new way of generating revenue. The intuitive software from G-Digital is simple to use. 


Operators of both online and land-based casinos can make use of G-Digital in a special way. The online jackpots can be shown on the screens in the land-based casinos – so that players there are informed – in real time – of the online jackpots waiting to be won.  Furthermore, operators that also have sports betting operations can make use of the G-Digital software to show their online promotions in their land-based locations. Again, land-based operators now have the chance to inform the land-based players of their online gaming and online betting offers.


“We have extensive knowledge to support casino operators in their drive to increase player experience and bolster revenues. Both these are possible when using G-Digital. We had a busy show supporting casino operators. They were particularly pleased to find out how easy it is to customise the messages on their screens and that any changes made can be done by the push of a button. There is no need to programme a change on a USB stick and walk from monitor to monitor to make the change. This saves time and money”, continued Mr. Benko.


More information can be found on the G-Digital website: