Alessandro Fried – BtoBet – Which are the new opportunities for the evolving Bulgarian online gambling industry?

Alessandro Fried – BtoBet – Which are the new opportunities for the evolving Bulgarian online gambling industry?

Alessandro Fried, Chairman for BtoBet, has published a new industry report on the changing habits of bettors and a technological revolution in both daily and gaming life, in all Europe.

Bulgaria is not an exception, here the number of mobile users is growing and its gambling regulated market has already shown a big development in the online direction. In this regard, Fried considers the Bulgarian gambling market, mature and essential for all operators with business interests in Eastern Europe. 


The report, describes the evolution of the bettor, the 3D view of the consumer and an increased level of automation in the industry. 


Fried highlights players are now more tech-savvy and becoming ever more demanding, “they are pushing firms towards effective strategies and technology to improve their service, boost player confidence and increase player lifetime values”. He adds that a new reality requires “continuous development of the omnichannel platform” to enable operators to deliver the right product at the ideal time for every customer.


He said: “Today, operators have the possibility to utilize deep-dive data analytics, automation and personalization of offers while creating meaningful experiences for users through a clever omnichannel platform. That will inevitably be a big plus for attracting to a brand and retaining their loyalty,” and he added, “for example, BtoBet’s recommendation engine collects and analyses large amounts of information on players’ behaviour, activities, preferences, predicting what they would like to receive. Through its Artificial Intelligence and sophisticated algorithms, it enables operators to track players’ behavior to provide perfect suggestions, for the best odds and bets for each player or segment of players. At the same time, technology is helping licensees to detect any suspicious and fraudulent behavior to instantly check and correct anomalies.”


Fried concludes that the igaming ecosystem is highly changed and technology has helped provide opportunities to fulfil the wants and needs of the consumer. It is fundamental for a software provider such as BtoBet to guarantee a continuous process, with a flow of information, analysis and suggested bets that can be offered to each player regardless of channel.


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