1st Vikingheim report

1st Vikingheim report

A month has passed. A month of development & growth of our settlement under the name Vikingheim. During this short time, we managed to increase the population from 11 people to 1953 active players.

To our settlement came mostly men. Their number was 1302 people. Also, women, having heard about such a glorious city, began to actively come to our ports in the second half of the month. Now the number of female players is 603. It pleases because there is hope for the early reproduction and appearance of more :)

On the outskirts of our settlement, several creatures with indeterminate sex signs were seen. Our old-timers counted about 45 species of such.
Although we are young, the average age of the settler on our lands is 29-37 years. Nevertheless, one day a small knorr came to the port, and an elderly man appeared in it. He was tired and short-tempered. We gladly accepted him and gave him a roof over his head and offered a lot of treats and care. The age of this wanderer was 92 years, which gave him the right to be called the oldest resident of our Vikingheim.

Throughout the month, the Drakkars and small vessels from different lands came to us, sometimes even very remote. Among them: Sweden, Finland, Norway, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Canada, South Africa, Austria, Bahrain, Switzerland, Malasia, New Zealand, Malta, Brazil, Serbia, Macedonia, Netherlands, Afganistan, Uganda.We welcomed everyone, we have been waiting for you, we can accept you and give you the opportunity to live and grow.

The average fee for the period of life in our settlement was from 40 to 70 euros.

During the month of our existence, several significant events occurred:

1. One merchant who arrived 3 weeks ago, possessing certain skills in the game and trade, understood how to quickly settle down and live the life that he and his family had long dreamed of, made an entry fee of 1045 euros to our bank. Our loyalty is built in such a way that we support our residents in their desires to improve our world, we presented this merchant with another 250 euros above for its development. Within 2 days, the player increased his invested capital several times and was given 7000 euros away directly from the bank. With what we congratulate him! 


2. One day from Sweden a whole fleet came to us, among the travelers was a man who knows and understands the economy and the movement, in just a couple of hours he wrapped up his invested capital and received a withdrawal of 62,000 SEK.

3. There was a case when our resident for one day managed from a deposit of only 150 euros, so zealously and qualitatively wrap his capital and accumulate and convert it into our local currency, firstly he thought that he has lost his invested money but on the whole was encouraged by our Viking Coins and was able to exchange them in a bank for 2000 euros. He came with four huge bags of coins, a total of 40,000, and after he put them on the table he asked our finance team to exchange every 10,000 thousand of Viking Coins in 500 euros in cash. Immediately after the exchange, the happy man loaded into the Drakkar cheerfully asked for our blessing and swam into the sunset.

"If you hear us, come back! About your affairs, people have already begun to tell stories. " :)

4. In our markets were launched the so-called "Live Dealers", already known for their existence in large cities and settlements. We were pleasantly surprised that publicity and growth allowed us to attract the attention of those. Sail, arrive, come! We are all waiting.

In general, we are satisfied with the favor of the Gods and the bright sky above our heads.We will definitely show you how our business is going in 3 months next time. We believe that we will be able to surprise you! Vikingheim is waiting for you and ready for new adventures.