James Illingworth from GLI shall give his expert opinion the SYNERGY BETWEEN LAND-BASED AND ONLINE OPERATIONS panel at the 8th edition Eastern European Gaming Summit, which will be held 23-24 November.

James Illingworth from GLI shall give his expert opinion the SYNERGY BETWEEN LAND-BASED AND ONLINE OPERATIONS panel at the 8th edition Eastern European Gaming Summit, which will be held 23-24 November.

James Illingworth

Director of European Business Development

Gaming Laboratories International – GLI Europe B.V. 

Hi James, since you are one of the key speakers of the SYNERGY BETWEEN LAND-BASED AND ONLINE OPERATIONS panel, we would like to have a sneak preview about what your presentation will be all about and the current regulatory outlook of the country.


Q. There have been many success stories over the years in Western Europe about land-based bookmakers creating their presence in the online industry as well. Do you think that in these modern days, having an online platform is essential?  How would you encourage land-based operators in Eastern Europe to enable their online business as well?

A. As an independent test lab, we don’t advise business on their business processes, however, we can advise land-based operators in Eastern Europe and around the world to adopt and follow best-practices and standards as they integrate online operations into their land-based businesses. These best-practices and standards should include a thorough security infrastructure, as any online operation can be exploited as an access point for criminals, There was a major casino in Las Vegas whose data was recently compromised by criminals who used the casino’s website as a portal. Strict security coupled with a rigorous following of local jurisdictional regulations are the minimum of what GLI would advise in these situations. It can seem daunting; however, GLI has a great deal of experience in these areas in established and emerging jurisdictions worldwide, and we are here to help as much as we are able, drawing on our global resources to help local operators have the best possible outcomes.

Q. The synergy between land-based and online has to be synergized in a way brand can keep their identity. Have there been cases where it all changed? Adding the online section lead to a re-branding? 

As a test lab, GLI isn’t a marketing consultancy, however, we have casually noticed that brands that maintain identity from land-based to online and vice versa seem to have had better success.

Q. Eastern Europe has a lot of potential to become the next large online gaming region, is the land-based sector ready for this wave?

There are two sides to this question: the business side and the regulatory side. As a test lab, we will leave the business side to the analysts. From the regulatory side, certainly there are jurisdictions who are well prepared to assimilate both land-based and online operations into the larger gaming landscape. Other jurisdictions have some work to do, however, they are coming along. The good news is, none of this is new. There are many examples and case studies to learn from – both in terms of positive models to follow and pitfalls to avoid. We have been testing land-based gaming since 1989 and interactive gaming for more than 20 years, and our teams of experts are always available to bring our global expertise to local operators to help them establish the best schemes possible.