Tax on gambling raised to 15%

The parliament increased the tax on gambling to 15% on second reading. A total of 149 MPs supported premier Boyko Borisov's proposal for amendments to the Corporate Income Taxation Act.

Until Wednesday noon the prime minister insisted on a rise of two percentage points, from 10 to 12%. After a meeting with MPs Iskra Fidosova from ruling GERB party, Ivan Kostov from the Blue Coalition and Volen Siderov from Ataka, he changed his position and called for a 5 pp increase to 15%.

Gambling operators protested against the decision. Even the smaller rise to 12% would have brought a BGN 500 million loss for the budget, Eurofootball said. The entertainment and gambling association also expects that the new tax will bring a slump instead of growth in revenue. The tax rate was raised two years ago from 8 to 10%.
