DRGT explodes into Africa

DRGT explodes into Africa

Great references from Sun International in South Africa and the new Gran Kaz Casino in the Seychelles. Major innovations for Electronic Bingo Market together with Boss Gaming 

DRGT is going from strength to strength in Africa. The growing number of African Countries includes South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Malawi and the Seychelles. DRGT has well over 2,000 machines managed by its System across 30 sites in Africa.


The major challenge faced by System providers in Africa is the massive range of old machines in the market. DRGT amazingly supports all these legacy machines using serial communication protocols that range from SAS 3 to SAS 6, ASP and more recently Gamma.


The beauty of the DRGT System not only lies in the ease of use for the operator, the simple yet speedy installation time frames, the massively reduced IT infrastructure and staff requirements needed to operate the system, but the wide range of functionality that is available to Operators in order to drive feet through the door. At the end of the day this system has been developed with customer centricity in mind and has been designed by Operators for Operators of any size and any budget.


On the idyllic island of the Seychelles, DRGT has astounded all with the speed of its turnkey installation at the Gran Kaz Casino in Victoria. Opening in November 2014, this revolutionary new site has implemented several of DRGT’s management modules across their 150 gaming machines. Starting with a drCashless RFID card system, drAccounting and drJackpots, the site is now rolling out drPlayerTracking, drBonusing and drMap. The Gran Kaz Casino has made huge waves on the island, its great service, incredible location and exciting Loyalty, Jackpotting, Bonusing and Promotional offerings have attracted customers to the casino and rocketed them to the top venue in the Seychelles in the short space of 6 months.

Closer to home and in conjunction with Sun International, Simplicity Gaming Solutions and Gold Club, DRGT have helped reinstate the popularity of Wide Area Progressives (WAPs) in the South African market. With DRGT’s incredible drJackpots module Sun International was able to link 372 machines across 12 Casino’s running the now famous Duma and SunStriker games to produce some of South Africa’s most exciting and profitable gaming machines.


Another first for DRGT is the South African Electronic Bingo Terminal (EBT) market. Its first customer, Boss Gaming is working with DRGT on a phased approach to the roll out the many benefits of the DRGT System across their Bingo Royale branded sites in the Eastern Cape. Utilizing the modular architecture of the System, Boss Gaming started with drAccounting and drTicket in an attempt to get a consolidated view and standard operation of their EBT’s that currently utilize independent EBT manufacturer’s bingo servers. Phase 2 has seen the implementation of drJackpots. In conjunction with DRGT and Simplicit-e Gaming, Boss has recently launched a customised “Bingo Royale” themed Progressive across 119 WMS machines in three sites. This world first is sure to enhance player excitement on the floor and boost revenue to drive their bottom line. Phase 3 will soon see the roll out of the drTicket promotions package. This solution will revolutionise their TITO solution by offering player incentives via the Ticket Printer in each machine.

Lawrence Smith of Boss Gaming states “Boss Gaming is very excited with being the first to roll out the DRGT management system in the South African EBT market. The modules we have implemented have revolutionised the way we manage our sites and we look forward to the added player excitement and return we are going to achieve with the implementation of both the Bingo Royale WAP and the drTicket promotions solutions.”


In summary, the DRGT solution is a fully functional serverless gaming management system that is easily installed into any site and integrated to any Slot Machine no matter what the age or who the manufacturer of the machine is. DRGT’s user friendly, cost effective solution has changed the way operators view Management Systems from a complicated necessity to a simple to use tool that provides true added value.


Jurgen De Munck reiterates that “It just goes to show what is possible when a company brings true innovation that offers real Player and Operator added value. We are seeing that Operators are changing their mind-set and that Gaming Management Systems are now becoming a great tool to drive revenue and not just a necessity.”