Suzo-Happ and Comesterogroup with clear message at forthcoming ENADA Rimini

Suzo-Happ and Comesterogroup with clear message at forthcoming ENADA Rimini

Introducing the new brands Comesterochangers and Comesterovalidators


The forthcoming ENADA Rimini – the largest and most important gaming show in Italy that will take place between 18th and 20th March – is set to mark a milestone for Suzo-Happ. This will be the first occasion for its subsidiary – Comesterogroup – to exhibit at a local exhibition as a member of the Suzo-Happ Group. These two companies strengthened the long-existing partnership with Suzo-Happ acquiring Comesterogroup in the latter part of last year.


The benefits for manufacturers and operators in Italy will be on clear display on their stand in Rimini. Indeed, a new logo has been created to represent this transient stage of the integration with the large Suzo-Happ globe incorporating the Comesterogroup brand. We are the first vertical channel within the group that is going to make this change as per our corporate strategy and we are proud of this fact. Together with the marketing team and the support of Davide and Riccardo Chionna, we have been able to proceed with this milestone change” said Harald Wagemaker, Executive Vice President Sales & Marketing for the EMEA. This corporate strategy is reflected in the newly created logo that will be prominently displayed on the stand.


The great strengths of both companies will be clear to see. Riccardo Chionna highlights:  “We’re ready to participate at Enada show with important changes that reflect the completed process of seamless integration between the two companies”. The Comesterogroup name carries great tradition and this name will be playing a long-term role within the entire Suzo-Happ Group. The ENADA Rimini will hail the introduction of two brand new brands – namely Comesterochangers and Comesterovalidators. Comesterogroup is clearly the leader in change machine technology within the Suzo-Happ Group and the introduction of the Comesterochangers brand underlines this technological lead. Similarly, the electronic coin validator RM5 from Comesterogroup has enjoyed over twenty-five years of success with well over one million units having been produced. This is reflected in the creation of the brand Comesterovalidators that now unites all coin validators together.    


The ComesteroGroup stand will be set in a clear structure to underline the key components and solutions available with first and foremost the new brands Comesterochangers and Comesterovalidators on display. The solutions dedicated to the new slots will include the coin validators, Flow hoppers, push buttons, locks and coin-entry pieces. These will be augmented with solutions for the VLT market with the key focus on the TransAct printers. The amusement solutions will include BilliardPRO, RedemptionPRO and DartsPRO. There will be a section of the stand dedicated to monitor solutions, namely the VisionPRO and the ELO toucscreen products.


“Our strategic move to offer complete solutions as we showed in London will naturally be placed on our stand in Rimini”, Mr. Wagemaker concluded. “We have so much knowledge and experience on which components best fit together that it is the natural next step to offer such components already mounted in the machines. In that way our customers can focus on what they do best – creating entertaining gaming solutions and so leave the hardware periphery assembly to us”.