Book your Special Visitor Package for BEGE Expo and EEGS on a special rate NOW!

Don’t miss the most important gaming and entertainment events in the Balkans! 

Book a single pass for the conference and the exhibition or our special group packages on preferential prices.


Coference price offer:

300 Euro (1 conference pass)

390 Euro (1 Conference pass and 1 night in a single room in Best Western Expo Hotel)


Special Group Offer:

Get 3 passes for the Conference and the Exhibition for 555 Euro plus 2 more at a special rate of 180 Euro both.


The offer (per person) includes:

  • 1 conference pass
  • 1 exhibition pass
  • 1 night ( 20.10.2014) in a single room in Best Western Expo Hotel
  • 1 Dinner (20.10.2014)
  • 1 Breakfast (21.10.2014)

Get 2 passes for the Conference and the Exhibition for 370 Euro plus 1 more at a special rate of 90 Euro.


The offer (per person) includes:

  • 1 conference pass
  • 1 exhibition pass
  • 1 night (20.10.2014) in a single room in Best Western Expo Hotel
  • 1 Dinner (20.10.2014)
  • 1 Breakfast (21.10.2014)


*The prices are in Euro, VAT is not included.