PGS 2014 Breaking Records

PGS 2014 Breaking Records

All early indications are that PGS 2014 International Gaming Show will break all of its previous records this year.

With a 40% increase in exhibit space over last year which is already completely sold out, we are on track to offer the largest gaming show experienced in Peru and possibly all of Latin America. Our pre-registration for visitors attending the show and our 4th International Gaming Conference already exceed last year’s numbers.  The topics being offered by our expert presenters is arousing much interest from operators and we expect standing room only crowds at each day’s event.  The increase in the number of exhibitors and the promise of the new and exciting products and programs being offered is obviously also having its toll on show registrations.  We are sure to surpass last year’s numbers by a large margin.  We are also experiencing a large increase in the number of attendants from other parts of Latin America.  The feedback we have received and the amount of interest being generated has made us realize that we are now much more than just a show for Peru. With the many factors Peru has in its favor, we are sure to become a focal point for the gaming industry in Latin America. Our central location in the region, our top international airport, our many tourist attractions, our world class gastronomy, our favorable climate, and our political stability and constantly growing economy have all been big contributors to the growth and success we are experiencing. 

While we at Affiliated Marketing Group, the show organizers, are making sure to increase our services to keep up with the increase in numbers we are experiencing, we ask that visitors pre-register on line to avoid the possible long waits at the show doors.  It’s as easy as signing into and clicking on register.  With your preprinted registration obtaining your show badge at the door will only be a matter of minutes. 

We look forward to seeing you in Lima, Peru at the Jockey Exposition Center on June 11th and 12th.