Bulgarian MPs adopt amendments to Gambling Act

Sofia. Bulgarian MPs adopted amendments to the Gambling Act, FOCUS News Agency reporter informed.

The amendments were debated last week yet voting on them was postponed.
191 MPs voted on the amendments, 110 MPs of which voted in favour of them, 79 MPs voted against them and 2 MPs abstained. The amendments aim at improving the conditions under which operating licences are granted to companies offering gambling services and the taxation applied to such companies. 
Gambling companies and individuals which have been granted an operating licence will have to pay a fee on the right to offer their services on the territory of Bulgaria. The fee will be calculated using the same method for Bulgarian and foreign companies and individuals. 
In case the authorities have not been informed by the time fixed in the law of the due fee, propery sanctions will be imposed on the company or individual offering gambling services.
The requirements concerning online betting services will also apply to all online gambling services defined as such in the Gambling Act as online gambling services are a way of presenting gambling activities as a whole. 
The draft bill also provides for amendments to the Measures Against Money Laundering Act and the Corporate Income Tax Act as well as sanctions on companies and individuals that offer gambling services without an operating licence.


Source: http://www.focus-fen.net