Statement of BTAMOGI on the list of illegal online gambling sites

Statement of BTAMOGI on the list of illegal online gambling sites

Bulgarian Trade Association of Manufacturers and Operators in the Gaming Industry (BTAMOGI) is the first association of manufacturers, importers and distributors of gaming equipment, service organizations and organizers from the gambling industry.

The Gambling Act, which was adopted in 2012, regulates the online gambling and introduces compulsory licensing for the online operators. This is the world practice in regulated jurisdictions. It legitimizes the activities of the operator in particular territory, allowing control and guaranteeing protection of consumer rights. Unfortunately, one year after the adoption of the Bulgarian gaming law, there are still missing some of the subordinate regulations, which to allow the online operators to apply for the license and to operate legally under the requirements of the law. It is still not clear when these subordinate regulations will be voted by the Bulgarian Council of Ministers and finally brought into force. This makes a vacuum, which is not the organizers' fault. Therefore before any restrictions and control measurements are taken, the regulator should create conditions and has all the necessary regulations completed. The current situation creates a paradox where the law allows activities, the operators want to apply for license, but the regulator does not say how this should happen and prohibits operation without a license at the same time.

It is accepted any newly adopted legal framework to have a sufficient time for its entry into force for the implementation of the subordinate regulations  providing the recipients with established mechanisms and the ability to meet the identified requirements. As the process for the adoption of the subordinate regulations of the Gambling Law is not yet finalized, the Bulgarian Gaming Association (BTAMOGI) several times pointed out that the period set forth  for the operators to bring their work in accordance with the Law, should  start with the implementation of the subordinate regulations, and not  with the initial adoption of the Gambling Law . Penalties for infringement should not be imposed, providing that there is still missing some base acts yet to comply with the regulation. This applies not only to the licensing of online operators, but to the practice in general, as the technical and functional requirements for the game software and the related communication equipment are also not accepted.

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Angel Iribozov
Chairman of BTAMOGI