Bulgarian State Commission on Gambling has a new president

Bulgarian State Commission on Gambling has a new president

Ivan Enicharov has been elected today for President of the State Commission on Gambling.

Minister of Finance, pursuant to its powers under Art. 18, para. 1 of the Gambling Act, has appointed Ivan Enicharov for the new President of the State Commission on Gambling (SCG). The former president, Kaloyan Krastev was released.

Until now Ivan Enicharov occupated the position Head of section in the Department "State Legal" and in the period from 2004 to 2011 was a member of the SCG.

Thus, the current composition of the State Gambling Commission is formed by: Atanaska Georgieva - Ministry of Justice, Vasil Panov - National Revenue Agency, Daniela Shtregarska - Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Yavor Kolev - Ministry of Interior.