EGT revealed latest product portfolio at BEGE 2022: Interview with Biserka Draganova, Sales manager for the Balkans and Egypt at EGT

EGT revealed latest product portfolio at BEGE 2022: Interview with Biserka Draganova, Sales manager for the Balkans and Egypt at EGT

What were the new products that EGT showed at BEGE Expo this year? Which ones do you think will be most successful in the markets you are responsible for?


After two years during which BEGE Expo hadn’t been held, for this edition we had prepared a rich selection of slot products with main accent on the 15 models from our latest General series. Certainly the imposing G 50-50 C VIP stood out as one of the biggest favourites of the visitors. It is already in mass production and is still the newest product in the series for our customers.

The Blue General HD multigame mix made its debut at BEGE Expo. It includes games with new and exciting features that definitely impressed our guests. EGT's latest roulette was also on display and received very warm acceptance.


Our subsidiary EGT Digital had its own special place on the stand where all its highly-potential innovations were showcased. One of the products that aroused the greatest interest was the self-service betting terminal for bookmakers, which was also presented in the innovation zone of the exhibition.


 You are a sales manager for the Balkans and Egypt at EGT and you have recorded a very successful year. What are your forecasts for the next 2023, in which markets do you see the greatest potential for development?


Thank you! In fact, the success is not only mine, it is success of our company, because the key to the good performance of any business is the high quality product, and undoubtedly EGT is a global leader in the production of gaming equipment. Of course, I would also like to thank our customers for placing their trust on us. Each of the markets I am responsible for has a lot of potential yet to be unleashed. I hope that 2023 to be even more successful than this year.


 What do you think are the main trends in the development of the gaming industry in the next year?


The industry is developing at a very high pace, and the competition is severe. Definitely one of the trends that is going to be leading the sector not only in the next year, but in the next few years, will be the online gaming and the numerous opportunities it offers.


 What were your expectations regarding BEGE Expo 2022 and were they met?


I expected the exhibition to be very well visited and indeed it was. After a two-year break, the entire gambling industry of Bulgaria and the neighboring countries once again had the opportunity to gather in one place and exchange impressions, experience, and ideas. We showed many new and attractive products, held many meetings with our current customers and put the beginning of plenty of new partnerships. Last but not least, we received the "Best Equipment Supplier of the Year" award from the BEGE Awards, which is a great recognition of our achievements during the year.


 What are the next exhibitions you are planning to participate in?


BEGE Expо was the wonderful finale to this year’s exhibition season for us. The next show in which we are going to participate is ICE London in the first half of February 2023.