PM: Targeting Growth Policies

PM: Targeting Growth Policies

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras stressed the importance of the Summit agreement on a roadmap for the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union, and emphasized the need for the government to focus on the tasks ahead.

Following the European Council held in Brussels on December 13-14, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras stressed the importance of the Summit agreement on a roadmap for the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union, and emphasized the need for the government to focus on the tasks ahead. 

"One marathon has finished successfully but we have to start another one," Samaras said, adding that "laurels smell good but they die quickly." For me and the government, the day after has already begun, he said.
While in Brussels, the premier, accompanied by Development Minister Kostis Hatzidakis, held a meeting with European Commission Vice-president and Competition Commissioner Joaquín Almunia. Today in Athens, Samaras will hold a meeting with the heads of 16 major multinational firms operating in Greece, in order to explore ways in which they might expand their activities and make new investments in the country.
  • PM on Situation in Syria
At the customary press conference, in Brussels, the premier also referred to his contribution during a European Council discussion concerning the situation in Syria. He said that there is an opposition there which is gradually acquiring an identity, paving the way for a political solution and noted that the fall of the Assad regime is approaching.

He also stressed that awareness should be raised for the situation of ethnic and religious minorities. The PM also noted that an, at least, one thousand percent increase in illegal migration from Syria through the Greek-Turkish border was recorded, during the summer. For this reason, the government drew up a list of 200 vessels that can be used to transfer people from Syrian ports to safe destinations.