The 5th Eastern European Gaming Summit gathered top specialists


The 5th Eastern European Gaming Summit gathered top specialists from the gaming industry, including more than 150 visitors and 30 honorable speakers from different countries.

Attendance of EEGS 2012: 20% more visitors comparing to the last year
Attendees were from 25 countries including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Isle of Man, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom,
and United States.

Traditionally organized EEGS Masterclass this year presented the topic “Lessons from abroad. How to prepare for server based environment”.
Lecturer was Lucien Wijsman from The Slot Academy. Over 30 industry representatives attended the course.













The “Responsible Gaming” roundtable:
- The responsible gaming topic was discussed by specialists, advisors and gaming associations.
- Representatives from the region presented the best practices in their countries.
- Over 40 industry representatives attended the discussion. 


The Regulators’ roundtable initiative
For the first time there was initiated the Regulators Roundtable, where the Bulgarian State Commission on Gambling was the Moderator.
It is planned the initiative to became a part of EEGS. More than 20 representatives of Gambling Boards from all over Europe
attended the Roundtable.


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