Gaming Americas Q1 Meetup records huge success and attracts +1500 participants, save the date for the Q2 Meetup

Gaming Americas Q1 Meetup records huge success and attracts +1500 participants, save the date for the Q2 Meetup

Gaming Americas Q1 Meetup builds important momentum in the North and Latin American gambling industry and invites you to the Q2 Meetup.


The Gaming Americas Q1 Meetup took place on 28 January and has brought together +1500 participants for a full day of learning.


+40 industry leaders from North and Latin America have joined 11-panel discussions that highlighted some of the most talked-about topics in the regions.


You can view the full recording of the meetup here:



After receiving positive feedback and praises from the participants, Zoltán Tűndik, Co-Founder and Head of Business at Hipther Agency commented: “We would like to thank all participants, speakers, and moderators for this awesome event! We are thrilled to receive such positive feedback from the industry and we are also taking note of the organizational suggestions. Having +1500 registrations and over 8k viewers on YouTube, we can see that there is a hunger for quality content. There is no doubt the hot topic of the gambling industry at the moment is North and Latin America, and we are happy to provide an online meeting place for industry peers to share their latest insights and create forward-thinking topics.


The team at Hipther Agency are already planning for the second meetup dedicated to the Americas.  


The Gaming Americas Q2 Meetup is scheduled for 29 April and promises to bring even more exciting discussions about the North and Latin American gambling industry’s hot topics of the moment. See more details here | Register for free 


For sponsorship/speaking and marketing inquiries, make sure to reach out to Andrada Marginean (B2B Sales Executive at Hipther Agency).


For media-related inquiries, please contact Alexandru Marginean (Marketing Specialist at Hipther Agency).


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