launch social gaming advisory service

Gaming companies risk missing out

Online gaming consultants have launched a new service to offer social gaming strategy advice to the industry.

The launch of the service comes as social gaming, including Facebook Poker, Fantasy Football, Virtual Worlds and the use of Twitter for social gaming increase in popularity.

Over the past few months it has become much easier for gaming brands to enter the social gaming space as they can now simply take a white label and build it into their existing strategy. offer independent advice to gaming brands and assist them in finding the best partners to develop a social gaming strategy.

However, many gaming companies are failing to take advantage of this new accessibility and are risking losing out to a new breed of competitors.

Phil Shaw, of says:

Social gaming offers a fantastic opportunity to generate revenue and brand awareness. However, companies are reluctant to seize this lucrative opportunity, as they simply don’t realise how easy it is.

Many of our clients have a fear of entering this space and it’s down to a lack of understanding and internal IT bottlenecks. We are able to demonstrate how straightforward building a social gaming platform can be, by taking the white label of a proven and tested product and tailoring it to a client’s own requirements.”

He continues:

In order to stay one step ahead, the industry needs to be far more creative than they have been in the past. Our new service will increase awareness of how social gaming is impacting on the industry, and give the traditional online operators a starting point for partaking in it”.