A gaming professionals opinion: Stuart Black, Casino Technology, regarding BEGE & EEGS 2019

A gaming professionals opinion: Stuart Black, Casino Technology, regarding BEGE & EEGS 2019

Thank you for this opportunity to comment. I am privileged to work closely with such dedicated and professional colleagues within the Casino Technology group and one of the largest exhibitors at BEGE. This year the marketing and promotion of both BEGE and EEGS simultaneously is second to none, and I congratulate the organisational team for their dedication in promoting both. I am confident this will result in an unrivalled level of success for the twelfth year which looks set to be another milestone achievement.

It is without doubt the primary independent exhibition and conference for the whole of Europe and has gained heightened recognition from every sector of the gaming, entertainment and hospitality business through the generous support of participants and sponsors alike since its inception.


This year is another turning point in many far reaching ways. The objectives were always clear, and year on year evolution of the events has exceeded every expectation.


The quality and breadth of product offering coupled with a radical free market approach has benefited all visitors, with a superior experience being offered in a superb venue in the historic city of Sofia. This year’s events are set to transcend gaming boundaries and will represent further growth with every possible sector. We look forward to greeting friends old and new from over fifty countries, and every continent, see you all during November.