Huge success for CASINO TECHNOLOGY at ICE Totally Gaming 2012

Huge success for CASINO TECHNOLOGY at ICE Totally Gaming 2012

With variety of products on display the ICE show in London became a huge success for Casino Technology.

With variety of products on display the ICE show in London became a huge success for Casino Technology.

PENTHOUSE SLOTS™ series of  games drew great visitors’ attention along with SENSATIONAL PLUS™ cabinet. SERVER GAMES TECHNOLOGY™ became a centerpiece attraction, highly estimated by the representatives of the major VLT operators from both established and emerging VLT markets in Europe. GAMOPOLIS™ multigame series, already containing 90 game titles, strengthened further its position as a leading product on the traditional gaming market for casinos and gaming arcades.

A Casino Technology distributor for the South African LPM market was also appointed during the ICE exhibition.

All Casino Technology products on display at ICE Totally Gaming 2012:

  • PENTHOUSE SLOTS™ branded series of products presented in SENSATIONAL PLUS™ cabinet and PLAYME™ PENTHOUSE SLOTS™ grand piano multiplayer station
  • GAMOPOLIS™ series of multigames collection with 90 different game titles
  • SERVER GAMES TECHNOLOGY™ integrated solution for cross platform online, mobile and VLT gaming applications.