IAAPA Announces Special Events and Program Schedule for IAAPA Expo Asia 2019

IAAPA Announces Special Events and Program Schedule for IAAPA Expo Asia 2019


Events include Opening Night Reception at Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park and LeadershipBreakfast Keynote Address by Joe Schott from Shanghai Disney Resort

ORLANDO, Fla., US (March 13, 2019) – IAAPA invites attractions industry professionalsfrom around the world to take part in several professional networking opportunities andimpactful education programs during IAAPA Expo Asia in Shanghai, China, 11-14 June 2019.More than 8,500 participants are expected to attend the international conference and tradeshow for the multibillion-dollar global attractions industry to exchange ideas, establishbusiness connections, and learn from international experts.


This year’s special events schedule includes an Opening Night Reception at ShanghaiHaichang Ocean Park, and a leadership breakfast featuring a keynote address delivered byJoe Schott, president and general manager of Shanghai Disney Resort. The networkingevents offered during IAAPA Expo Asia help professionals make new connections, learnindustry best practices, and share ideas with colleagues and peers from around the world.


Opening Night Reception at Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park (12 June)

Attendees will celebrate at Shanghai’s newest ocean theme park while networking withindustry peers from around the world.


Leadership Breakfast with keynote speaker Joe Schott from Shanghai Disney Resort(13 June)


The annual leadership breakfast provides senior-level attractions industry professionals theopportunity to learn and network with regional and global colleagues. Joe Schott, presidentand general manager, Shanghai Disney Resort, will deliver this year’s keynote address. A37-year veteran of The Walt Disney Company, Schott will provide insights on emergingtrends and new developments affecting the industry.


Lunch and Learn: Building A Successful Global Entertainment Business (13 June)


This interactive session will feature Michael Croaker, head of entertainment of VillageRoadshow Theme Parks, as he shares his insights about the challenges Village Roadshowencounters when integrating different intellectual properties (IP) across various countries,culture, target audiences, and within his organization. Attendees will have the opportunity toask Croaker questions at the end of the session.


Operators’ Reception (13 June)


Attendees will come together with other operators from the Asia Pacific region to exchange ideas.This event includes discussions about enhancing safety and efficiency operations, motivatingemployees, and driving profits.


Young Professionals Reception at The Shanghai Dungeon (13 June)


Attendees will explore the newly opened Shanghai Dungeon – a horror house recreatinghistorical urban myths based on real life incidents. A reception will follow the experience.


Editor’s note: Admission to the events listed above require a separate ticket(s) in additionto IAAPA Expo Asia registration. To purchase tickets to these events, and to register forIAAPA Expo Asia, visit www.IAAPA.org/IAAPAExpoAsia.


About IAAPA Expo Asia


Since 1997, IAAPA Expo Asia (formerly Asian Attractions Expo) has been the premierinternational event for the multibillion-dollar leisure and attractions industry in the Asia-Pacific region. IAAPA Expo Asia takes place at the Shanghai New International Expo Centrein Shanghai, China 11-14 June, and includes an 11,000-net-square-meter trade show floor,a comprehensive industry education program, networking events, and visits to some of theregion's premier attractions. More than 8,500 attractions industry professionals from morethan 60 countries will participate in the 2019 event. @IAAPAHQ #IAAPAShanghai




IAAPA is a diverse and dynamic community of global attractions professionals. As thelargest international trade association for permanently located attractions, IAAPA unifies theattractions community, connects people to learn and grow together, and strives to promotethe highest professional standards for excellence and safety around the world.


Founded in 1918, IAAPA represents more than 6,000 attraction, supplier, and individualmembers from more than 100 countries. Members include professionals from amusementparks, theme parks, attractions, water parks, resorts, family entertainment centers, zoos,aquariums, science centers, museums, manufacturers, and suppliers.


The association's global headquarters is in Orlando, Florida, US. IAAPA also maintainsoffices in Brussels, Belgium; Hong Kong, China; Shanghai, China; Mexico City, Mexico; andAlexandria, Virginia, US. To learn more, visit www.IAAPA.org or connect through socialmedia channels: @IAAPAHQ #IAAPA.


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PressOffice@IAAPA.org or +1 703/299-5127

Susan Storey: SStorey@IAAPA.org or +1 321/319-7615

Lesley Harris: LHarris@IAAPA.org or +1 321/319-7616

Vivian Yu: vivian.yu@baobab-tree-event.com

In Chinese:

Candy He: candy.he@baobab-tree-event.com