IAAPA Announces New Global Brand

IAAPA Announces New Global Brand


ORLANDO, Fla., US (23 Jan 2019) – IAAPA, the global association for the attractions industry,revamped its brand identity with a new look and logos to demonstrate its readiness to supportthe global attractions industry well into the next 100 years.


“This new identity is the result of a thoughtful, three-year strategic initiative led by many IAAPAmembers,” said Jeff Klocke, chairman of the IAAPA Branding Taskforce and vice president andgeneral manager of Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier. “Through surveys, interviews, andresearch we came to better understand how members view IAAPA, and what services andresources they need and want from the association. IAAPA members shared they value the vastdiversity found within our industry, and view IAAPA as the source to make lasting connectionsand feel inspired.”


The resulting new logo includes a wide, bright color palette representing the diversity ofprofessionals and constituencies that make up the global attractions industry. The burst in themiddle conveys the sparks of inspiration when individuals come together, and the strong, solidIAAPA letters reflect the strength of the industry while the flares signify forward movement.


In addition to a new brand image, IAAPA’s three Global Expos have been renamed - IAAPAExpo Asia, IAAPA Expo Europe, and IAAPA Expo. Formally, IAAPA’s Global Expos were knownas Asian Attractions Expo, Euro Attractions Show, and IAAPA Attractions Expo respectively.


IAAPA has been running trade shows for many years with overwhelming results. Its Asia Expo(previously called Asian Attractions Expo) rotates through the Asia-Pacific region to provideattendees the opportunity to see and learn from new locations, attractions and areas of theindustry. The 2016 Expo held in Shanghai, China, for example, hosted a record-breaking11,500 total participants, including 8,100 buyers from 79 countries and regions, who attendedthe event to discover new ideas, acquire best practices and gain business insights; as well as tonetwork with industry players.


IAAPA Expo Asia is returning to Shanghai, China this year. To be held 11-14 June 2019 at theShanghai New International Expo Centre, the 2019 show will feature innovations, concepts andproducts from 300+ companies from around the world.


“While the IAAPA brand has a new look and feel, the association will continue to serve itsmembers and uphold the highest levels of professional standards. IAAPA remains focused onhelping produce safe and memorable experiences for all, and we look forward to this newestchapter in IAAPA history,” said David Rosenberg, 2019 chairman of the IAAPA Board ofDirectors and vice president of the Monterey Bay Aquarium.




IAAPA is a diverse and dynamic community of global attractions industry professionals. As thelargest international trade association for permanently located attractions, IAAPA unifies theattractions community, connects people to learn and grow together, and strives to promote thehighest professional standards for industry safety around the world.


Founded in 1918, IAAPA represents more than 6,000 attraction, supplier, and individualmembers from more than 100 countries. Members include professionals from amusement parks,theme parks, attractions, water parks, resorts, family entertainment centers, zoos, aquariums,science centers, museums, manufacturers, and suppliers.


The non-profit organization’s global headquarters is located in Orlando, Florida, US. IAAPA alsomaintains offices in Brussels, Belgium; Hong Kong, China; Shanghai, China; Mexico City,Mexico; and Alexandria, Virginia, US. To learn more, visit www.IAAPA.org or connect throughsocial media channels: @IAAPAHQ #IAAPA.


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Editor’s Note:

To download an image of the new IAAPA logo, visit https://bit.ly/2RCW4sF

Media Contacts:

Susan Storey:

SStorey@IAAPA.org or +1 321/319-7615

Lesley Harris: LHarris@IAAPA.org or +1 321/319-7616

Flora Lau: flora.lau@baobab-tree-event.com or +852 3520 3638