SUZOHAPP demonstrated its focus on cash management technology at EAG

SUZOHAPP demonstrated its focus on cash management technology at EAG

OUD-BEIJERLAND, THE NETHERLANDS January 23, 2019 – SUZOHAPP – a leading software and hardware supplier of complete cash management solutions, with over 50,000 gaming, amusement, sports betting, lottery and bingo products for casino operators and Gaming OEMs – reports a very positive participation at the EAG show that took place in London, UK, between the 15th and the 17th of January. 


SUZOHAPP took the opportunity to exhibit its latest innovations and demonstrate its focus on cash handling solutions which can help amusement operators manage their cash efficiently and reduce costs significantly.


”Operators have diverse cash management requirements. With our back-office cash handling solutions and our excellent brands, such as CashComplete™, SCAN COIN and Comestero, we are able to serve this market segment successfully,” said Norman Ridall, Sales Manager of SUZOHAPP in UK and Ireland.


Solutions of main interest that were on display were the SCAN COIN coin and note counters and sorters: the new ICX Active-9, the SC-8220, the SC-306 and the DTC-9. The IDEAL cashless solution and the Comestero change machines were also big hits at the SUZOHAPP booth.


Additionally, SUZOHAPP introduced the E-PRL electronic reprogrammable lock, a new patented high-tech locking system which offers more than 10 billion possible combinations. Developed by Giussani Techniques, the E-PRL is the ideal solution for access identification and control needs.


This year’s EAG has been a great opportunity to discuss optimal solutions with our customers. We work closely with both manufacturers and operators, as they often prefer to source as many products as possible from one supplier. We certainly offer that, thanks to our extensive portfolio,” concluded Mr. Ridall. ”We pride ourselves on our ability to simplify our customers’ sourcing and help them save time and money. Please contact us to find out more!”