SUZOHAPP enters joint marketing effort with Digitote, a global provider of software solutions for the betting industry

SUZOHAPP enters joint marketing effort with Digitote, a global provider of software solutions for the betting industry

SUZOHAPP announced today that it has entered into a joint marketing effort with the German/IOM-based software company, Digitote, to provide a scalable, flexible hardware and software offering to the quickly emerging U.S. sports betting industry.  

In May, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a federal ban on sports betting, allowing states to legalize it.  This legislative change opens up vast opportunities for business owners and entrepreneurs to offer sports wagering capabilities across a myriad of platforms, including online, kiosk, tablet, terminal and self-service.

For over 30 years, Digitote has been developing customized sports wagering software applications for its international customer base.  For over 60 years, SUZOHAPP has been designing and manufacturing customized, reliable and well-supported hardware solutions for the global gaming market.  

“Our strategic arrangement with SUZOHAPP will enable each of us to use our strengths to drive this market opportunity forward,” said Gunter Boyks, CEO of Digitote.  “The solution we will offer the U.S. market is customized and flexible, allowing operators to choose from multiple options of user interface, a variety of hardware products and software applications, or a complete, managed, custom solution to meet their needs in the most cost effective, easiest to implement way.”

By leveraging Digitote’s software expertise and SUZOHAPP’s hardware expertise, customers wishing to take advantage of this emerging market will find the exact solution they need to implement sports betting capabilities within their businesses.  Offerings range from software-only to hardware-only to full, turnkey solutions and will be available on all major platforms.  

“Both Digitote and SUZOHAPP are known as experts in the gaming space, providing superior quality and service to the industry,” said Drew Scielzo, SUZOHAPP CEO.  “By strategically leveraging the best of both our offerings, operators within this space will be able to quickly and efficiently meet, what will no doubt be, huge market demand for sports wagering in the near future.”