APEX GAMING TO RELEASE ULTRA-FAST iDROPs at ICE Perfect solution for high-roller live gaming tables

APEX GAMING TO RELEASE ULTRA-FAST iDROPs at ICE Perfect solution for high-roller live gaming tables

The iDROP live gaming cash management system – recognised and awarded as the most innovative live gaming product – has been taken a step further with the iDROPs that will be introduced to the global gaming market at the forthcoming ICE.

True to the company philosophy to take gaming to the next level, the iDROPs brings amazing benefits: it is extremely quick, extremely secure, and reads banknotes/tickets at an amazing 6 per second and also has an escrow function. Dealers can place up to 250 bills and tickets into the batch feeder and they are then fed individually into the iDROPs. 


The iDROP product range enables players to purchase chips directly at the live gaming table from the dealer. It also brings ticket-in, ticket-out to live gaming tables. Thus players can move directly from slots to live gaming (and vice versa) without having to go to the cash desk. Players can cash out anytime on the live gaming table and receive their money in ticket form – paid out by the iDROP.


The iDROP is simple to use and it provides direct, real-time information on the drop to the casino operator. The iDROPs is particularly of benefit on tables where players buy in at larger amounts. Here speed is of major importance as all the notes and tickets have to be checked and validated before play can continue. The iDROPs makes sure this happens very quickly. This device ‘iDROPs’ was designed by APEX after many years of experience with iDROP (with a drop Box) and iDROPe (with a stackable cash box). 


The iDROP range of solutions can now be found in casinos throughout the world. Allowing the dealer to exchange cash/tickets for chips and vice versa directly at the table means that players no longer have to go to the cash desk. Players can now move more freely between the slot machines and the live gaming tables. They appreciate that they can take their tickets directly from the slots to live gaming and vice versa. 


Kubilay Özer, Global Sales Director at APEX gaming, explains the significance of the new iDROPs: “The iDROPs is the perfect solution for the high-volume segment of live gaming. Up until now there has been no practical solution for high rollers to exchange their cash or tickets directly at the live gaming table. This has now changed thanks to the iDROPs”.


The iDROP has made a strong impact into the North American market, with phenomenal growth rates in 2017. The APEX partner for North America, Apogee Gaming has made great strides with the iDROP here. Jean-Louis Drapeau, General Manager of Apogee Gaming as master partner to APEX gaming, comments, “We are very proud that APEX gaming was able to design this new high-speed reader with all the iDROP operator benefits that many of our clients requested for certain high-volume tables. Many clients view this addition iDROPs as the perfect partner to the iDROPe for a complete solution for all tables”.