28/06/11 – The European Gambling Policy Conference, a one-day high-level conference organised by Forum Europe, gathered in Brussels an important number of key policy makers, national regulators and stakeholders to discuss ongoing developments concerning the gambling industry and exchange views on the best way forward to achieve a market for online gambling services that is appropriately regulated. EUROMAT President Annette Kok was invited to present the views from the land-based sector, sharing the panel with MEP Jürgen Creutzmann (ALDE, Germany), Rapporteur of the European Parliament’s forthcoming report on online gambling, and Commission Official Pamela Brumter-Coret, amongst others. Annette Kok highlighted the need to achieve a level playing field for all forms of gambling, regardless of the distribution channel used. MEP Creutzmann expressed that he is a defender of the “principle of subsidiarity” and that Member States should keep the competence to decide how they would like to regulate online gambling. However, he stressed that there is a need for an “EU-wide common solution” particularly in certain areas, such as the protection of consumers.