Meeting the needs of Millennials tops the agenda as trade bodies agree pub summit programme

Meeting the needs of Millennials tops the agenda as trade bodies agree pub summit programme

Bacta, the trade association whose members include the manufacturers and operators of gaming machines, pool tables and jukeboxes, has agreed a programme of quarterly meetings with the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers and The British Beer And Pub Association.

The tripartite meetings will provide an opportunity for machine operators and representatives from the on-trade to discuss issues facing gaming and amusements equipment in the pub sector, including how to appeal to Millennials, legislation impacting the sector and the opportunities that exist to add value to the machine sector through the use of new technologies that are being deployed by games manufacturers. 


Bacta Chief Executive John White, said: “Following a successful pilot meeting with the ALMR and the BBPA, I am delighted that we have agreed a regular programme. The latest industry data calculated by PricewaterhouseCoopers, showed there are circa 107,000 gaming and amusements machines sited in UK pubs and the businesses and jobs of many bacta members are linked directly to the health of the pub sector. I believe it is important the principal trade bodies maintain an open and regular dialogue, share insights and in the process help ensure a sustainable and healthy relationship which continues to make a significant contribution to the business of thousands of pubs in the UK." 


ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls added: “Gaming machines provide a crucial revenue stream for many pubs, but their contribution has shrunk somewhat over recent years. If gaming and amusement machines are to remain attractive for customers and continue to make a positive contribution to pubs, we need a concise and unified voice from the sector. The ALMR is very happy to be working with bacta and the BBPA to ensure that the legislative impact of gaming machines is minimal and that licensees have the flexibility to make the most of their machines.” 


Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive of the British Beer And Pub Association, concluded: “Machines remain a valuable income stream for many pubs. This will be a useful forum for working in partnership with bacta and ALMR to consider issues affecting machines in pubs, and we look forward to working with them.”