30/05/11 – The latest draft of the Presidency’s report “Framework for Gambling and Betting – Regulatory cooperation between Member States” was first included in the agenda of the meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) held on 18 May 2011 and then presented on 30 May 2011 to the Competitiveness Council that took note of the report. During the Council meeting the Commission also had an opportunity to present the Green Paper consultation on on-line gambling.


20/05/11 – As part of a high level structured dialogue, sports ministers, sporting bodies, national and EU authorities came together to discuss the sport related aspects of online gaming, particularly illegal betting. Participants expressed concerns about the increasing number of illegal betting sites and highlighted its negative effects on sport. They acknowledged the complexity of the problem and called for further consultations. Furthermore, they emphasised the importance of cooperation between Member States. The result is a commitment from the Polish Presidency to tackle match-fixing and online sports betting as a priority.