13/05/11 – The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an inter-governmental body dedicated to the development and promotion of national and international policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, is currently conducting a review of its Recommendations. Final adoption is planned at the plenary meeting in February 2012. FATF’s review is being closely followed by the European Commission that is currently also preparing for the revision of the 3rd Anti-Money Laundering Directive (2005/60/EEC). Among other things, the Commission’s review may include a proposal to extend the scope of this Directive, originally conceived only for land-based casinos, to cover also the online betting and gaming industry.


06/05/11 – The Council’s Working Party of Establishment and Services met for the second time to discuss the latest draft of the Hungarian Presidency’s report “Framework for Gambling and Betting – Regulatory cooperation between Member States”. Apart from some minor changes, there seems to be general agreement among Member States and the document will now be discussed by the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) on 18 May 2011, in preparation for the Competitiveness Council on 30-31 May 2011, which is then expected to formally adopt the Presidency Report.