For the first time ever: specialized VR/AR GAMBLING Conference

For the first time ever: specialized VR/AR GAMBLING Conference

For the first time ever, gambling business representatives and developers of virtual and augmented reality solutions for gambling will gather in one place to discuss industry development issues and present their advanced products. 

On April 3, Prague will host the VR/AR Gambling Conference .

Growth of global gambling market is in many respects driven by technological progress. Improved quality of online casino games, increased speed of data transmission and mobile applications are making user experience more exciting and allow enjoying the game anywhere, anytime. The next step in this direction will be ubiquitous application of virtual and augmented reality by operators. VR casinos have already become our reality. Such projects have huge potential. 

To be among the first to promote innovations is a serious bid for leadership. The VR/AR Gambling Conference, organized by Smile-Expo company, will allow finding the way around the market of VR/AR products for gambling, learning the latest information and building useful contacts. This event will speed up the arrival of a new era in the gambling industry. 


Specialized conference will feature two sections: “Developer’s” – for creators of VR/AR innovations and “Business” – for those who make technologies publicly available – operators and marketing specialists. 

Representatives of operator companies and marketing specialists will learn about technological novelties, receive the latest analytical data, find new solutions for business development and promotion, will be able to expand business contacts and establish partnerships, and get a clear insight into ways of monetizing business using VR/AR technologies. 

Demo zone 

A demo zone will be functioning as part of the conference, providing a possibility to immerse in the world of virtual and augmented reality of gambling. Leading companies will showcase readymade VR/AR products and concepts of promising projects

About organizer 

Smile-Expo company has 11 years of experience dealing with organization and holding of forums, exhibitions and conferences in Europe, Russia and Central Asia. Most of the company’s events are intended to promote innovations and develop gambling business.