Regulators take centre stage at Euromat Gaming Summit 2016

Regulators take centre stage at Euromat Gaming Summit 2016

Brussels, 12 May 2016

Regulators from some of Europe’s biggest markets will take centre stage at this year’s EUROMAT Gaming Summit which will take place at the Majestic Hotel in the heart of Barcelona. The latest programme for the Summit shows that Marta Espasa, the Director General for Gaming in Catalonia will open the programme along with the European Commission’s top official Harrie Temmink. 

Mr. Temmink will then join several other European regulators for a panel discussion including:

  • Peter Naessens from the Belgian Gaming Commission

  • Elisabetta Poso from the Administration of State Monopolies, Italy

  • Carlos Hernández Rivera, Director General of Gaming, Spain

  • Fernando Prats, Madrid Regional Government, Spain

Eduardo Antoja, President of EUROMAT and Chairman of the panel discussion with regulators said:

Regulation makes or breaks our industry so having so many top gaming officials from European markets together for one session is a real added value of this  year’s summit. Operators and manufacturers from across the industry should be there if they want to get a valuable insight into the thinking of the people making decisions that have a direct impact on the industry”.

Other panel sessions at this year’s summit include:

  • What does convergence mean for the land-based gaming industry in Europe?

  • Player tracking: Does it help to improve responsibility?

  • Are manufacturers or operators driving the gaming machine market in Europe?

Delegate numbers are set to soar with industry leaders and regulators sharing their thinking on how the European market is evolving.



The full Summit programme and speaker information can be accessed directly from the following conference webpage:


The first edition of the EUROMAT Gaming Summit took place in Amsterdam in May 2015, attracting representatives of the gaming industry, policy makers and media from across Europe. The Summit is a credible forum for the land-based gaming sector to discuss major industry and commercial trends as well as regulatory developments with peers, regulators, politicians, the media and other stakeholders. Participants gain the opportunity to network, identify business opportunities and exchange knowledge and expertise.

The European Gaming and Amusement Federation (EUROMAT) is the voice of the land-based gaming entertainment industry in Europe. A highly regulated and highly taxed industry sector accounting for more than 250,000 jobs across Europe.

The organisation was established in 1979 to represent, through its affiliated national associations, private sector operators of gaming machines and the manufacturers that supply them. Today, EUROMAT has 18 national member associations from 13 European countries, as well as two observer members from France and Hungary.

For further information about the EUROMAT GAMING SUMMIT please visit and follow EUROMAT on LinkedIn and Twitter using our hashtag #EUROMATGS2016.

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