Complete gaming solutions from APEX welcomed at BEGE

Complete gaming solutions from APEX welcomed at BEGE

The Balkan Entertainment and Gaming Expo (BEGE) saw APEX gaming once again present their complete gaming solutions to the local operators. Three product lines were on display on the APEX gaming stand, namely the EVO2 platform on the Pinnacle series of gaming machines, the APEX PLAYER STATION (APS) automated roulette multiplayer and the iDROP.

All three product lines were subject to great interest at this show. The Pinnacle gaming machines have been embraced with the EVO platform and the interest was extremely positive. “Now that we have the EVO2 platform, the interest has increased even more”, stated Kubilay Özer, Global Sales Director at APEX gaming. “The EVO2 offers even more, such as even better and sharper graphics, a swipe feature to choose between the games and new innovative features like the ability to choose partial payout instead of only complete payout, giving players further choice on how they wish to cash out. In particular the operators in Bulgaria who have already implemented the EVO platform told us how pleased they are with it”.


Visitors to the APEX gaming stand were keen to learn more about the EVO2 platform and how to upgrade their current Pinnacles to this exciting new technology. “We had many in-depth conversations on how to support our customers in the move over to EVO2”, explained Mr. Özer.


The APS is the flexible automated roulette multiplayer that allows customers to choose themselves how many terminals to place around the automated wheel. This extremely stylish automated roulette offers so much more – more games (Baccarat, Sic-Bo and the APEX-only card-based game called Quikker) and more playing options (the table games can be connected into the EVO2 platform on the Pinnacle gaming machines). Many visitors expressed showed their interest in the APS.


The revolutionary iDROP was naturally placed in a prominent position on the stand. The iDROP is the cash handling solution for live gaming tables that enables croupiers to exchange cash and tickets directly for chips and vice versa. The iDROP and the side-mounted iDROPe provide operators with complete drop information. The notes and tickets can be entered in bundles up to fifty at a time and are securely and individually validated by the iDROP before being safely stored inside. The iDROPe contains a large cassette to store up to 2,000 notes and tickets. Given the importance of this product, APEX gaming offers an individual website on the iDROP to explain all its features and benefits. More information can be found at:


“The BEGE was an extremely successful show for us and we are sure that our solutions here will be taking gaming to the next level in Bulgaria”, concluded Mr. Özer.