100% systems success for DRGT in Belgium

All 9 out of 9 Belgian casinos run on DRGT systems. DRGT – the fastest growing systems company in the global gaming industry – is proud to announce that all the casinos in its home country of Belgium are operating with DRGT a system


This means that Casino de Namur, Casino Blankenberge, Casino Ostend, Casino de Dinant, Casino Knokke, Casino Middelkerke, Casino de Spa, Casino Brussels and Casino de Chaudfontaine all have implemented DRGT systems. With the successful completion of the installation of an accounting, TITO and jackpot system in the casinos of Blankenberge and Middelkerke, all 9 Belgian casinos now operate a DRGT system.


Mr. Jean-Michel De Busscher, CEO of DRGT Online Belgium, states, “It is very exceptional to see that in a free market situation every casino comes to the same conclusion that our system is the best adapted to the market”.


Mr. Domi Dewilde, CEO of both Casinos Blankenberge and Middelkerke, says:

“After a decade of operating a coin-based slot operation and a migration to TITO with a previous partner which did not live up to our expectations, we are happy to notice already a substantial boost in our revenues thanks to our partnership with DRGT. In addition to the system, DRGT supplied us with a great mix of 20 top performing slots; another 60 to be installed shortly. We greatly appreciate the professional service DRGT provides both for its systems as well as for the slots”.


DRGT offers serverless technology that is extremely reliable. No expensive servers nor IT personnel are required. Furthermore, DRGT can connect with all slots – all manufacturers and all types – even old reel-based machines. Operators keep their freedom of choice of the slots that remain on the gaming floor when implementing DRGT. The software has been designed to be simple and intuitive to use – thus motivating users to make the most of the opportunities DRGT offers. drScreen enables operators to communicate directly with their customers on the slot machine screen. This direct marketing medium can be used to great advantage in a multitude of ways (e.g. advertising, information, TV – such as a not-to-miss football match).


DRGT has its roots in Belgium and the successes were made here. They quickly built up a reputation in Belgium and were able to expand their systems solutions to the majority of the casinos. For the last years they have had seven of the nine casinos as customers. Today all nine casinos use the DRGT System. 


DRGT offers flexible and modular systems so that each and every operator can choose their own individual systems solution: drAccounting, drCashless, drTicket, drJackpots, drPlayerTracking, drScreen, drBonusing, drCage, drReports and drTable are just some of the examples of how an operator can choose the right options to best fit their own requirements.