BET2020 is flexible and innovative: online format for global security

BET2020 is flexible and innovative: online format for global security

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, the expo BET2020 which was supposed to be held on 7-9 April in London, is postponed until the world’s situations stabilize. Our top priority now is the safety and health of our speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, partners and guests.


Never give up. And our team isn’t ready to give up!
Fortunately, we live in a fast-paced digital technology world and we have all rights to use options digitalisation provides us with. Therefore, the BET2020 team have decided to host the first event in an online format.


What does it mean:


  1. New conference format - a concentrate of the most useful and important industry topics compressed to the one day!
  2. Top experts ready for personal dialogue with everyone while participating at an online BET2020 conference. Enjoy real-time Q&A, live chat with speakers, share your opinion and exchange contacts while the conference is streaming. Now you shouldn’t concentrate on how to draw attention in order to start a dialogue - now your words will be seen by everyone in the online broadcast.
  3. Visitors will have access to our downloadable resources section to keep newly obtained knowledge not only in the head but offline.
  4. It’s a great chance to increase brand awareness and engagement while sponsoring the BET2020 online. Sponsorship opportunities are available on-demand.
  5. Each participant of the BET2020 online will automatically receive a special offer to the postponed offline (physical) event.


Updated agenda and timing can be found here.


Innovative unique opportunities


We will create a unique online platform to connect everyone globally in such an unfortunate timing. Our participants still have a chance to exchange contacts and find out the latest industry insights! We will begin our online acquaintance and certainly, your offline communication at the postponed BET2020 will be warmer and more productive.


Take care of yourself, stay healthy and safe, take your time and join BET2020 online for free to stay updated on the industry as well as to get new knowledges.


We will be sharing all of the additional details in the days ahead. Stay tuned.

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